
Showing posts from December, 2018


The innovation of the blockchain technology with the success of bitcoin the first ever cryptocurrency has brought about the global acceptability brings about the innovation of other cryptocurrency around the world. This has yielded great investments for investors and great gain for traders who go about their daily activities, thanks to cryptocurrency. The global market worth of cryptocurrency has been estimated to be 200 billion USD with bitcoin leading all other cryptocurrency. This coupled with active users of cryptocurrency user have also been estimated to be 5 million. This means there is still a big chance for more users in relation to the global population around the world. Cryptocurrency transaction takes places every nano second globally. It is a broad chain decentralized network made up for different individuals globally with the aim of making profit and investing in a speedy, secure and transparent means. The trading and investment via initial coin offering comes via ma


The innovation of cryptocurrency mining around the world has brought about drastic increase in energy consumption rate due to the amount of energy required to power these mining equipments. this has brought about high service charges on the consumer end and an issue to the government in terms of not being able to come about power generation means that is sustainable. Globally power generation systems are mostly traditional systems which includes burning of fossils fuel and other natural means which account for pollution of our environment via the conversion process all with the aim of generating power. All this process affects crypto mining process in the process of generating energy which is not enough and depletes our natural habitat in the process of conversion. These problems stated above as regards to creation of a sustainable energy source has bought about the FUTURE ENERGY platform. The FUTRE ENERGY platform will optimize energy cost with the establishment of non-traditi


The problems caused by naturally driven powers generation system posses a big threat to earth natural ecology accounting for pollution, global warming, depletion of the ozone layers and acid rain. Power generation is a needed necessity around the globe, coupled with the technological innovation serves as a drive for getting done for our daily activities. Over the years till now power has been generated by natural resources such as coal and gas. In the process of generation bring about harm to our ecology with the emission of waste product to the environment. Most part of the world generates power and electricity via this means which is very harmful to our habitat and has accounted for health challenges and death all over the world. The world been a place can’t do without power social amenities to suit all day to day activities needs, so there is need to create a balance in the chain where power or electricity can be generated with affecting earth natural system. THE GREENCOIN SOLU